Sunday, January 08, 2006

One reason not to interfere with nature . . .

In an earlier post I wrote about my little squirrel friend coming by our place for some free handhouts of food and nuts. Twice a day I put out bread with peanut butter, walnuts and other goodies for my little buddy. One day he was there with a friend of his. For several days these little fellas came to get their treats. Then suddenly they stopped coming. I haven't seen them for awhile now. The bread and peanut butter I put out for them days ago is still here. But yesterday I had quite a startle. I went into the diningroom to feed my fish and saw a huge hawk sitting on my deck railing and it saw me too and after looking at me out of one golden eye, it flew off. It hit me then what had maybe happened to my squirrel friends. I may have been fattening them up for the hawk's meal! And secondly, I was encouraging the squirrels to a regular and open place where they were easy prey to Mr. Hawk. My good intentions might have made the squirrels forget their instincts. I feel so bad now. :-(

1 comment:

jules said...

I can imagine just how you felt as I have in similar occasions. I have sometimes well- meaningly interfered with nature with subsequent unwelcome results and bitter regrets.